Which Fruit Looks Like Tomato: Surprising Lookalike

There are a lot of fruits out there that look similar to each other. But have you ever seen a fruit that looks like a tomato? No, we’re not talking about tomatoes themselves; we’re talking about another fruit that shares the same red color and shape. So, which fruit looks like tomato, and where can you find it?

The fruit that looks the most like a tomato is a persimmon. Like tomatoes, persimmons are technically berries and look quite similar to tomatoes in their shape, size, and structure – the only difference is that they are usually a yellow to dark orange in color, instead of red.

There are other types of fruits that look like tomatoes, too – but the persimmon fruit is the most commonly confused. Interested about whether snacking on a persimmon is right for you? Read more in this post!

Which fruit looks like tomato?

which fruit looks like tomato

The most common fruit that looks like a tomato is persimmon.

Persimmons, like tomatoes, are small and round. They have stems coming out of the top that looks quite like a tomato that’s plucked from the vine. Both are technically berries, though few people consider tomatoes fruits and would rather call them vegetables.

However, that’s where the similarities end.

These fruits are usually yellow or orange in color. To be fair, tomatoes can also be those colors, though you’ll find that red and dark pink are the most common tomato hues.

Persimmons also taste nothing like tomatoes. They are less savory and more on the sweet side with a cloying flavor that’s reminiscent of honey. The texture of the persimmon is similar to a peach or apricot.

The skin of persimmon is also much tougher than what you would find on a tomato. It’s like a pear or apple in texture and thickness.

Persimmon fruit benefits

Permissions are fruits that come from trees in the Diospyros genus. These fruits, again, are technically berries, but like tomatoes, are rarely considered to be berries.

They are harvested in the late fall, sometimes staying on the tree long into the winter months. They usually have the shape of a pumpkin or acorn but are usually no larger than a small grapefruit.

There are lots of benefits associated with eating persimmons. They are rich in minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants, including vitamin C and dietary fiber. Just one serving contains 50% of the vitamin A you need in the day.

While some people choose to eat just the inside of the persimmon fruit, scooping the flesh out from the rind and discarding the rest, there are benefits of eating the peel, too. The rind is rich in lutein, a nutrient that can help guard against ocular disease.

How to eat persimmon fruits

Persimmons have leaves and a stem that’s attached to the main body of the fruit. The shape of the leaves is what makes this fruit easy to differentiate from tomatoes. The leaves are oval or round, while tomatoes have triangle-shaped leaves.

When you cut open a persimmon, you’ll find that it’s much more solid and amenable to being scooped out. It’s similar to eating a grape. There are few seeds inside persimmons and they’re easy to scoop out – unlike those of a tomato.

You can eat persimmon fruits raw or scoop the insides out to make puddings or other types of desserts.

Other fruits to consider

The persimmon isn’t the only fruit that’s similar to a tomato. While this is the most commonly confused species, there are other fruits that you might mistake for a tomato as well. Understanding the differences can go a long way in helping you to expand your gardening skills, and your culinary palate, of course!

These include:

  • Tomatillos
  • Physalis 
  • Tamarillos 
  • Pepinos
  • Gooseberries 

Tomatillos are perhaps the most common victims of mistaken identity here. These look like slightly smaller versions of tomatoes and are actually tomato relatives – they’re still part of the nightshade (Solanaceae) family. They’re also quite tasty and make a wonderful salsa!

Physalis is also part of the nightshade family. Also known as husk cherries or ground cherries they can be eaten raw or even cooked into baked goods. They are small and round, somewhat similar in appearance to a cherry tomato. 

Next, tamarillos. These look like cherry tomatoes both in terms of their size and their vibrant red hues. However, they are somewhat less acidic than tomatoes, since they have a higher sugar content. 

Pepinos, native to South America, grow on low shrubs and look much like Roma tomatoes in their shape and form. However, instead of being red, they’re beige with dark stripes. They are sometimes referred to as “pepino dulce” and are very similar in their taste and texture to tomato plants. They can be eaten raw or cooked and are often included in sauces and soups. 

Gooseberries are tiny fruits that taste similar to tomatoes but don’t look much alike. They’re often used in desserts but also can be used in savory recipes.

Final thoughts

As you have now gathered after reading this article, persimmons look like tiny tomatoes – but are actually a different type of fruit entirely.

With their glossy coloring, small size, and fleshy structure that’s similar to that of an orange tomato, the persimmon doesn’t actually taste anything like your favorite Beefsteak.

Instead, it’s a delicious bright orange fruit that is technically a berry – and should have a spot on your dinner table for sure! 

Of course, the persimmon isn’t the only fruit you can eat if you’re interested in chowing down on a tomato look-alike. Consider the options listed above if you’re in the mood for something different! 

Christopher Liebold
Christopher Liebold
I am Christopher Liebold, an enthusiastic gardener with years of experience. I love growing fruits and plants from seed and watch their development. Furthermore, I have always loved learning more about gardening and searching for innovative ideas for your garden. Let's build up a great community while we're at it together!

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