What Plants Grow in Clay Soil: 11 Plants for Clay Soil

There are many plants that grow in clay soil and can thrive if given the right care. This blog post will teach you what plants grow in clay soil, what they need to grow, and what other conditions must be maintained for these plants to thrive.

It can be hard to grow plants in clay soil because of its texture and poor drainage. In some cases, it can even be difficult to tell whether or not a plant is growing well as the leaves may form on top of the ground instead of from roots that develop below.

Here is a list of plants that grow in clay soil:

Crab apple

Crab apple trees are one of the best plants that grow in clay soil. They need to be watered often but only require light watering, as they are drought-tolerant once established. Once planted, these trees can take several years to begin producing fruit and flowers, so patience is necessary when planting crab apple trees for maximum benefit.

Crab apple trees grow best in a sunny location with well-draining soil, meaning they do not require much water. They can adapt to most soils types but prefer clay or loam. This type of tree also requires consistent pruning throughout the year as it grows and develops into a shape that is pleasing to look at.

They grow well in clay soil and actually do very well in stale, dry clay earth with low fertility. The secret is that they need a deep root zone and the few surface inches of the soil should be loose and not compacted.

Interesting Fact: Crab apple trees were used as a substitute for apples in medieval Europe during the plague. They are small and sour but do contain nutrients.

The reason crab apples thrive in clay soils is because this type of soil provides them with plentiful water resources and soluble nutrients for optimum growth and development. It has been found that crab apple trees require more active replenishment of those solutes than other tree species due to their large leaf area, which draws up substantial amounts of minerals from the subsoil during resource limitation periods like drought or flooding events.


The rose plant is a perennial flowering shrub that needs full sunlight in order to grow properly. It is important they are watered regularly and deep when first planted. They do not require much care or attention after being established for several years.

If planting rose in clay soil, put them where they will receive the most sunlight. They should be watered regularly at first but only require light watering once established to ensure blooms are formed and distributed evenly across the plant. These plants do not need much pruning except for shaping purposes or getting rid of dead branches.

Interesting Fact: The rose plant has been used in the art of Feng Shui for over 4000 years. It symbolizes love, beauty, and inspiration when placed correctly in a room or area.

Planting roses helps make a garden look beautiful but is also beneficial for the environment. They are pollinators and attract butterflies, bees, and other insects that help keep a garden in balance with nature’s ecosystem.

Butterfly weed

Butterfly weed is a perennial plant that grows summer through early fall. It typically lives for two to three years, but some have been known to live up to seven or eight years in more temperate regions of the country. The best time of year to transplant butterfly weed is autumn when it’s past its peak flowering stage and before it sets seed for the year.

Butterfly weed is native to North America and grows in many regions of the United States. Areas that typically do not get cold enough to kill off butterfly weed are where it does best, including Kentucky south through Florida and west through Texas. In colder climates, such as New England or parts of Canada, butterfly weed can be grown in a pot and brought indoors for winter.

Interesting Fact: Butterfly weed was used by Native Americans to treat skin infections.

Clay soil is beneficial when growing butterfly weeds. It prefers rich, slightly acidic clay soil with good drainage. It thrives in full sun to partial shade. It’s best to use a mix of clay soil and sand. Clay soil does not allow water or nutrients to pass through freely which can be toxic for oily plants like butterfly weeds.

Mixing the soil with sand allows for better drainage, more space for roots that will ensure healthier growth, and additional nutrients that are leached from the sand into the mix. Remember not to combine too much sand though because this can kill small plants really easy since there is no moisture around.

Eulalia grass

Eulalia grass is a species of perennial bunchgrass that can grow up to 100 centimeters tall. It grows in tufts with the leaves being flat and around 12 inches long. Eulalia has very short branches made up of spikelets, which are usually between one-half inch and two inches long each. The flowers on this plant turn a reddish color as they mature. Eulalia is a native plant that can be found all over the world, but it originates from South America and Southeast Asia.

When grown in clay soil you should not water the plant until it is dry. Overwatering can lead to mold or fungus growth on your Eulalia Grass, which will kill it off if left untreated. Otherwise, Eulalia requires little maintenance and natural rainfall should be sufficient for its survival. Do not fertilize unless the leaves begin looking pale green in coloration.

Eulalia Grasses are used for many different purposes including being planted in pastures to feed livestock, as well as an ornamental species for landscaping or even just in a garden.

Sea holly

Sea holly is a plant that grows in the sea near coastlines around the world. It can be found on tropical beaches, rocky shores, and tidal pools. It thrives best where there are large quantities of saltwater nearby because it needs this to survive.

Interesting Fact: The plant is poisonous to humans and animals because it contains cardiac glycosides that affect the heart, but can be used as an herbal remedy for other things.

The sea holly has long leaves with sharp thorns covering them, which help protect it from predators.

It often grows in large groups to help reduce its chances of being eaten because the more plants there are together, the harder they are for predators to get through without getting hurt.

If you are using clay soil clay, you can create optimal conditions for your sea holly by adding sand or organic matter to the soil. To add sand, simply mix it thoroughly with the existing soil and break up any clumps that get in the way.

Ribes sanguineum

The spiny shrub or small tree is native to temperate regions including North America, Europe, and Asia. They thrive well in clay soil and can grow to a height of five meters.

The fruit is an edible berry, dark red or purple at maturity but may be greenish-white when unripe, depending on the species.

Ribes sanguineum has many adaptations so it would not matter whether the soil is clay or any other type.

The different ways in which this plant can adapt to its environment are its tolerance for differing light intensities, high humidity environments, and clay soils due to its deep taproots. It also easily moves water around its root system because of its efficient xylem that works very well at absorbing water from all levels of ground penetration.

These adaptations mean that there are few reasons why this plant could not grow anywhere on Earth where someone would want it.


Pulmonaria is a genus of flowering plants, related to the forget-me-nots. They are naturalized in parts of North America.

Most species have palmately lobed leaves divided into usually five leaflets; blue or pink unisexual flowers with four petals appear from February until May. Pulmonaria plants grow well as indoor plants and can also be outdoors during the summer months.

Interesting Fact: Pulmonarias were once used to treat respiratory problems due to their antibacterial properties which help fight off infection.

Pulmonaria can grow in clay soil if it is amended with organic matter. Simply dig a trench and add rotten compost to the clay immediately before planting. You may also want to mist leaves periodically with water or fertilizer to keep them moist and thriving.

Pulmonaria needs a slightly acidic environment, so care should be taken not to mulch too much around the plant because this will dry out its roots.

Canadian wild rye

Canadian wild rye is a grass native to North America. It forms dense tufts of erect, slender stems which can grow up to 46 inches tall. The plant tends to spread through its roots rather than seeds and it has rhizomes that are typically brown or black in color with long hairs protruding from the top.

Successfully growing Canadian wild rye in clay soils is a challenge. In general, best practices for working with clay soil include getting as much of the dirt or rubble from the top layers.

It’s also encouraged that you plant rye in a row and leave some space between each row so it has room to grow without interruption. If you’re intent on growing Canadian wild rye with clay soil you should mulch at least annually throughout the winter.

It can be difficult because most fertilizers do not penetrate well through clays, but you can fertilize your clay soil with compost beforehand. This will make it easier for the seedlings to get started when they begin growing.


Coneflower is a perennial flowering plant that can grow up to three feet in height. There are at least 24 different species of coneflowers, all native to North America. The flowers can be pink or purple and have petals shaped like an open funnel with black seeds surrounded by fluffy white hairs inside the “cone.”

There are coneflower species that do well in clay soil, but it’s important to get acid lovers like wild columbine and chicory. Less adaptable species like New England aster will only grow in the top layer of your yard where you can actually get some drainage.

Interesting Fact: Coneflowers are one of the few plants that can improve your soil’s quality.

Growing other types of coneflowers in clay soil is tricky because the roots will not be able to penetrate through it, which will cause stunted growth and a poor root system.

The key is to dig around the area of the plant for some time before planting it. This helps to break down dirt and loosen up your soil for easier root penetration.

Alternatively, you can amend your clay with potting compost or good-quality topsoil if you have either on hand.

Common lilac

The common lilac has a long history of being used as herbal medicine in Europe and Asia. Its flowers are edible and its scent is soothing.

The common lilac has a wide range of habitats in which it can be found growing. It grows well near roads, hedges, fence lines, and waste ground as well as the edges of forests where there is plenty of light available but not too much direct sunlight. The plant is able to grow in semi-shade or full sun.

The common lilac is a deciduous shrub that grows between two and four meters tall with an equal spread of its branches. It has green leaves with white flowers which emerge from April through June depending on the climate zone it inhabits.

Interesting Fact: In Europe, the common lilac was known as a symbol of good luck. In Asia, it is said to protect against evil spirits and disease.

The best way to grow common lilac in clay soil is to add lots of organic material such as compost, rotted manure, and leaf mold. Mix this well into the top few inches of the potting mix. Add a 2-inch layer of gravel onto this new planting mix and mulch around the edges with pine needles or straw.

Lilacs can be pruned heavily in spring and early summer and they will put out lots more new growth in response giving rise to a dense hedge over time that has plenty of bright flowers for cutting.

Spiraea japonica

There are more than 100 species of Spiraea, but one, in particular, is the Japanese meadowsweet or Spiraea japonica. It can grow up to six feet tall with light pink flowers that bloom from midsummer through fall. The plant’s leaves are dark green and oval-shaped with serrated edges.

Spiraea japonica is an easy-to-grow perennial that prefers partial sun or shade and average garden temperatures. It can tolerate dry conditions but does best when watered regularly. This plant will spread quickly so it needs ample room for growth.

Interesting Fact: The flowers of Spiraea japonica are a source of carbohydrates for bees.

There are many ways to grow this plant in clay soil. It is important that you do not cultivate deep into the soil or use any fertilizer.

Ensure proper drainage by adding sand or gravel on top of clay soil before planting. Clear away surface debris and rocks. Irrigate only after establishment with organic potting mix has taken place so as not to disturb root systems that may have already begun to develop.

Spiraea japonica’s evergreen leaves provide a beautiful contrast against other plants that lose their foliage in wintertimes like deciduous trees or shrubs.

Pascal Harting
Pascal Harting
Efficient and self-sufficient gardening is what I love. I am all for a healthy but good-looking garden. After years of experience, I decided to share my knowledge and thoughts.

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