What Ferns Are Safe for Cats: All You Need to Know

Today, my cat ate a fern and I was worried about an allergic reaction or poisoning. As someone who loves his pet and garden, I was quick to investigate. These are the result of my in-depth research.

Boston Fern, Birds Nest Fern, Staghorn Fern, and Rabbits Foot Fern are safe for cats, according to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Eating any other type of fern could result in dejection or allergic reactions like vomiting, abdominal pain, or diarrhea.

Did, you ever wonder what ferns are safe for cats? Here are more important things you should know about this topic as a cat owner.

Ferns can be safe as well as toxic to cats

Eating poisonous plants could be a dangerous threat for your cat. Even if it seems to be fine there is a high possibility for a delayed reaction. Cats have a different kind of pain sensation and sensitivity than humans, which can easily result in owners misjudging the situation.

Boston Fern, Birds Nest Fern, Staghorn Fern, and Rabbits Foot Fern may be safe for cats but should also not be eaten in large quantities.

The toxic agent in these ferns is sapogenin which contains steroids as their key feature. These are chemicals that can cause problems with the central nervous system and the heart.

Cats are more sensitive to these toxins than humans and may have an allergic reaction as well. If you see your cat drooling, vomiting, or showing any other strange behaviors then it is best to contact a veterinarian.

It is always a good idea to be aware of the risk you are putting your pet in by letting them roam around outside or even in an unsafe inside area.

We recommend that if you have cats, keep them away from any plants you don’t know about. Dogs may ingest these poisonous plants without any consequences but it can kill an average-sized cat within three days.

How to spot if your cat is poisoned

The most common symptoms are:

  • Diarrhea
  • Salivation
  • Vomiting
  • Difficulties with breathing
  • Changes in drinking, toilette behavior, and appetite
  • Collapsing
  • Staying in a shock position
  • Red or swollen skin
  • Coma-like state
  • Twitching and Fitting

Different kinds of poisoning could have different symptoms and there is a variety of reactions that could happen.

If your spot your cat drinking a lot more than usual or it seems confused or even uncoordinated then it could be a sign that something is wrong.

Random changes in behavior or abnormal actions, such as drooling or vomiting, are also indicative of poisoning.

It’s always best to be safe than sorry and contact your veterinarian if you have any concerns about the health of your cat or suspect poisoning.

What is the best thing to do if you don’t have access to a veterinarian?

If your cat eats a poisonous plant, The best option is to consult a veterinarian. But what if you don’t have access to one?

If the cat is not in a life-threatening situation and you should at first take a minute to gather your thoughts and note how much it ate as well as the time and eating speed. Also, make sure your cat has easy access to water and a litter box.

Most countries have official Poison Hotlines for animals which can be found by a quick search on the internet.

If you are in the USA, the Animal Poison Control Center can be reached 24/7 at the following number: (888) 426-4435

Only induce vomiting if told so by an expert. To do that, make a pet-safe concoction of water and salt dissolved in three tablespoons of warm tap water.

It’s important not to overfill the stomach with this solution because it can lead to aspiration pneumonia or coma – both fatal outcomes for an animal.

Can cats recover from poisoning?

If the cat survives the first 24 hours, there is a chance for it to recover. Cats are resilient animals that have the ability to survive even in very dangerous situations.

The most important point here is that fast treatment can make the difference between life and death for your cat. The sooner you seek treatment for your feline friend, the more likely their prognosis will be successful and positive as opposed to dire or even fatal.

Nobody wants to lose one of his best friends and voracious roommate so in order to protect your loved ones to keep in mind, that prevention is better than every treatment.

How do I stop my cat from eating plants?

The best way to stop your cat from eating plants is to put the plant in a place that it can’t reach. Ferns can be used as beautiful hanging plants or as a potted plant in a room where your cat is not able to access them.

Cats love to chew grass because it can boost their vitamin levels. It also contains folic acid which improves the oxygen flow through their blood.

Buying or growing your cat grass, may satisfy your cat’s desire to eat other plants. Cat grass is a mix of grass types grown from seeds, such as rye, barley, wheat, or oats.

Another option would be to use a cat repellent. But there are a few things to consider before doing so. The first thing you should do is check the list of ingredients to make sure that it won’t harm your cat, or if they have an allergy to any of them.

You may be able to find repellents made specifically for cats which can also help stop their destructive behavior.

An organic way to make your cat repellent would be to mix water with a small portion of vinegar and spray it on the fern leaves. As fern is a very robust plant small portions of vinegar should not hurt it and your cats will most likely hate the taste.

Cat repellents are an option to consider, but they may not be as effective as you want them to be. There is no guarantee that your cat will stop acting out and some cats might even become more aggressive with this treatment.

Final thoughts

One final thing to remember is that ferns can be poisonous or bad for cats. If you want to keep them in your home, make sure they are safe for felines!

One of the most important things to do if your cat ate something poisonous is to consult a professional as fast as possible.

It’s important to know that not all plants are safe for cats. One of the most common questions about cats and plants is whether they can be friends. We hope this article has answered that question for you.

Pascal Harting
Pascal Harting
Efficient and self-sufficient gardening is what I love. I am all for a healthy but good-looking garden. After years of experience, I decided to share my knowledge and thoughts.

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