Is Mowing Tall Grass Bad: The Truth Revealed

You might be wondering if mowing tall grass is bad for your lawn. Well, the answer is not as simple as you might think.

Mowing tall grass is not bad if you do it in the right way, but mowing it too low and too quick can result in bad health or even death for your grass. It is a living plant that provides habitat for animals and plants that may suffer from high grass because of missing light or water.

Mowing is a great way to keep your yard looking neat and tidy. But is mowing tall grass bad? Continue reading to learn more information on this topic and find the best solution for your lawn.

Is mowing tall grass bad?

When it comes to whether or not is mowing tall grass bad, there is a lot of debate on this topic and we will help provide information today so that you can make an informed decision about what is best for your lawn.

Some people claim that mowing tall grass is not only bad for your lawn, but it can be downright harmful. However, other gardeners believe this to be untrue and state that there are many benefits of mowing tall grass in the yard.

Either way, you are probably wondering about the risks associated with mowing tall grass in your yard. There are several problems that can be caused by cutting the grass too low or too quickly.

For one, cutting the grass down too short is not good for your lawn because it can expose roots and cause damage to the grass. On top of this, if you are using a lawnmower with too harsh blades it can cause harm to your yard as well.

A reason to cut tall grass is that it can result in more light for your lawn. To high grass may also lead to poor air circulation and can even cause the lawn to die.

So what is the final answer to this? Cutting tall grass should not be a problem if you do it in reasonable amounts and keep an eye on the other living things in your garden. Also, keep clear your garden of the cutting. If you have a lot of them they could suffocate other plants.

What happens if you never cut grass?

High grass is not always a problem in the yard and depending on what type of plants are being grown you might have to take steps to keep them from growing too high. The reason why some people do not like tall grasses is due to the mess and difficulty of mowing them.

If you never cut your lawn and it is left to grow as nature intended, the yard will eventually turn into a meadow which would be very pretty but not at all what most homeowners want their yards looking like. The problem with this is that if there are already plants in your yard they will eventually die because there is not enough light getting to them.

A not regularly mowed lawn is often less healthy. This is because tall grasses not only block out light to plants but also provide homes for insects. Light exposure and overhead watering are important factors in lawn health so if you do not cut your grass it can have negative effects.

This does not mean that cutting tall grasses will always be good, but it will provide more light and water to plants and insects.

What can you use to cut tall grass?

When cutting tall grass it is best to start with a weed eater to cut it down before using a mower. If you are not sure how tall the grass is, then do your best to cut off as much of it as possible with the weed eater first. Once you can no longer effectively use your weed eater on tall grasses then the next step would be using a push mower.


Using a lawnmower is one of the safest ways to cut tall grass if you are not in a hurry. The only downside is that it may take more time than some people have available and will also require sharp blades on your mower.

If you do use this option, be sure to keep the blade sharp so there aren’t any problems when cutting through the grass.

Remember that if you purchase an electric or manual lawnmower make sure that it can handle cutting tall grass because this type of grass might be more difficult to cut than shorter grass.

When using this option, you can either use your mower as normal or opt for the bagger attachment that most models have available so that there isn’t any grass left to be raked up.

If you do opt for the bagger attachment, remember that it will limit where you can mow due to its increased size and weight.

Weed Eater

Using a weed eater to cut tall grass is also an option, but it might be better suited for areas that are smaller and do not have any plants growing in them.

If you choose this method of cutting the grass make sure there isn’t anything around your yard that could become damaged by the weed eaters cord or blades. You also want to be sure that you have the weed eater at the correct height so it does not hit any objects or leave ruts in your yard.

In some cases, people will use a string trimmer to cut tall grass and while this is an option if there are no plants growing around your yard, we only recommend it if you are planning to use a lawnmower afterward to cut the grass short.


Using a grass scythe is an option if you are looking to cut the tall grass but do not want to deal with bags or mowing afterward.

This method involves using blades attached to a long pole that is dragged through the grass, which cuts it without any problems. Once you have finished cutting your tall grass with a scythe, then you will need to rake up anything leftover in order to get it ready for mowing or bagging if desired.


Using a sickle is another option that has been used for many years to cut tall grass. This method involves using the same type of blade as you would find on a scythe, but it is attached to a long handle that is used instead of dragging it along the grass.

You can also purchase different attachments for sickles, which makes this option one of the most versatile when it comes to cutting tall grass in your yard. This method usually requires bending over while you are cutting so if possible try to find something you can stand on or lean against if necessary.

In the past, people used a scythe to cut their grass, but you should consider the other methods I mentioned before using this old-fashioned piece of equipment for yard work.

Final thoughts

Mowing tall grass is not bad if you do it in the right way. It can actually be beneficial because it provides more light and water to plants and insects.

If you would like to cut your yard without the use of a mower or weed eater then consider using a scythe, sickle, or string trimmer with an attachment that will allow you to cut down larger areas of grass.

Remember that you will need to rake up anything cut by these options if desired before mowing the lawn so there aren’t any problems when it comes to the final trim.

Pascal Harting
Pascal Harting
Efficient and self-sufficient gardening is what I love. I am all for a healthy but good-looking garden. After years of experience, I decided to share my knowledge and thoughts.

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