Do Haworthia Die After Flowering: Essential Expectations

One of the most beautiful houseplants you can grow is Haworthia. After all, there are few plants that offer the low-maintenance appeal of an aloe vera-like succulent plant along with the ability to flower throughout most of the summer. But do Haworthia die after flowering?

Haworthia plants, unlike many other types of succulents, do not die after flowering. That is because they are not monocarpic. Although the large Haworthia genus contains roughly sixty species, all species continue to live long after they have finished flowering.

Want to learn more about why you should consider growing these houseplants, and how you can encourage more beautiful blooms? You’ll learn everything you need to know in this post.

Do Haworthia die after flowering?

As flowering succulents, Haworthia plants almost always bloom – at least, as long as they have been properly cared for throughout the rest of the year. In fact, they can flower numerous times without dying.

The reason for this is that the flowers are produced on the long end of a stem, known as an inflorescence. They aren’t the most breathtaking of all flowers you’ll see – in fact, despite being numerous, the flowers are small and quite dull in color.

However, the stalk that they grow on is truly remarkable, and it’s something that’s worth mentioning if you’re curious about how Haworthia plants are able to continue to live after they’ve flowered the first time.

Although the Haworthia plants themselves are just a few inches long, the stem grows much taller. In fact, as long as you continue to care properly for the rest of the plant, the flowering stem will keep growing taller, producing additional flower buds in an endless cycle.

Because of this, Haworthia plants can flower numerous times without dying, and the stem will just keep growing longer!

What to do with Haworthia flower stalk?

The Haworthia flower stalk grows so long that you might be wondering whether it needs to be trimmed, or if you can leave it be. After all, it can easily reach more than a foot in height!

For the most part, it’s a matter of personal preference. There’s nothing wrong with trimming it if it seems to be growing out of control, but you can also leave it where it is. The Only thing to worry about (besides the fact that the stalk looks a little strange) is that it might break if it is left completely unsupported.

Putting a small wooden stake in place to keep the stalk propped up can help prevent the stalk from breaking while also reducing the likelihood that it will come into contact with the soil (which can lead to rot).

If you decide to trim the stalk to keep the plant looking tidier, follow these simple steps:

  • Wait until the stem has finished flowering of the season (early fall is a good benchmark to shoot for on the calendar)
  • Using a pair of sterilized, sharp scissors, cut the stem down to just an inch or so
  • Let the soil dry out and then pull the bloom stem away from the rest of the plant

How to use Haworthia flower stem propagation?

Rather than just cutting the Haworthia flower stem when it’s finished blooming and throwing it out, you do have one other option. You can replant the stem to grow a brand new plant!

To do this, all you need to do is prepare a pot with a moist potting medium. Take the stem cutting and press it about an inch or two deep into the soil. When you cut the stem, make sure there are a few leaves on the stem. These are necessary to produce roots.

After taking the cutting, let the top of the plant dry out for a few days.

When you’re ready to plant, water the potting medium lightly before pushing the leaves halfway into the soil.

Not all the leaves will produce new growth. Some will die off. However, the ones that are successful should start producing heads within a couple of weeks.

This technique is one of the best ways to benefit from a Haworthia plant’s hardy, self-propagating nature. Not only will your Haworthia plant flower repeatedly, but you can use the bits of the stem you cut to produce new plants. How cool is that?

How do you get Haworthia to flower?

Some gardeners panic when their Haworthia succulents don’t flower right away – but don’t worry! It does take some time. Haworhita plants are slow growers. Your plant might just need a few more years to mature before it produces flowers.

There are steps you can take to speed things up, though.

Increasing the amount of sunlight your plants receive can help. In the summer, move your Haworthia to a location where it will receive at least a few hours of the weak morning sun. The additional light may trigger the production of chemicals that the plant needs to flower.

Avoid giving the plant too much sun, though. Morning light is preferred since the afternoon sun can be too bright and may cause your plant to develop a burned appearance.

Make sure you’re watering your Haworthia enough – though not too much. Only water when the soil feels dry to the touch at about an inch below the surface.

As long as you make sure that your Haworthia is properly cared for, you shouldn’t have too much trouble getting it to flower. Of course, a stressed Haworthia is less likely to flower repeatedly than one that is healthy.

Final thoughts

Haworthia is one of the few succulents that does not die immediately after flowering.

If you haven’t yet, be sure to add this plant to your houseplant collection. Haworthia plants are easy to care for and offer plenty of beauty in return.

Plus, they’ll bloom many times for you, offering visual appeal for years to come!

Christopher Liebold
Christopher Liebold
I am Christopher Liebold, an enthusiastic gardener with years of experience. I love growing fruits and plants from seed and watch their development. Furthermore, I have always loved learning more about gardening and searching for innovative ideas for your garden. Let's build up a great community while we're at it together!

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